I wish I had had pictures of this.
There is something very distinct about childhood in Canada. In the winter it is synonymous with skating, hockey, snowball fights and snowmen. It seems a shame for those further south to miss out on what seems a vital part of being a kid to me.
This winter my eldest is playing hockey on an organized hockey team. So is everyone of his friends. In addition, because hockey twice a week is simply not enough, almost every day after school he drags his net across the park to his friend's street. His friend also has a hockey net. They will happily play road hockey for hours with their respective younger brothers.
For Christmas, nestled gently among the MP3 players and X-Boxes, was a set of goalie pad gear: pads, face mask, goalie stick, etc. Now, for the record, this is the THIRD set of road hockey goalie pads in our house but this set was black and red: the colours of the Ottawa Senators. Funny enough, Liam's cohort in crime also got goalie gear for Christas (but in the Toronto Maple Leafs colours, poor sot).
Hang in there. I really am getting somewhere with this.
A couple of nights ago there was freezing rain in Ottawa. It layered the park with a beautiful sheen of glimmering ice. Very slippery ice. But, hockey does not stop for freezing rain, man! Liam straps on his hockey pads and helmet, snow pants, gloves, etc. and ventures across the park carrying his hockey net. My significant other calls me hysterically laughing. You see, he got about ten steps and slipped on the ice. The net falling on top of him and getting caught in his helmet. Rather than running out to help, my loving spouse chose to laugh.
Liam's friend, also seven and completely loaded in goalie gear ventured out to help him. Also falling all over the place on the ice. The final time, he had fallen on his back and could not get back to a stand because of the bulky goalie pads. Again, my SO offers zero help but by this time he is laughing so hard that incontinence is a problem.
Finally, the two boys get over to the other side of the park, nets and all. It is at that point they realize they have two goalies, two nets and no players. You see, the four year olds have gone on a hockey strike until they TOO can be goalies. So he and his buddy settled on the side of the road, goalie gear, nets and all, to play tamagatchis instead.
Ah, a Canadian winter.