Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Rolling Brown Outs in Ottawa

So, here we are early in the summer and in the middle of a heat wave that apparently, our energy system cannot handle. It is only June and rolling brown outs started in Ottawa Monday night, with areas in the West and East going without hydro for six hour stints. It was reported in the Ottawa Citizen Lucky for us, our area was not included in this (where is there wood to knock on) but I have to wonder what the rest of the summer holds for us.

While working for the feds can have its perks, energy consumption is not one of them. The office is currently 26 degrees; the lights are turned off, except in the washrooms and stairwells and we are sweltering. Currently, I would work for anyone other than a resources department. The commissionaires will walk outside and tell you to turn off your car if you are waiting to pick someone up. This is an "idle free" zone.

While googling 'beat the heat' brought back lots of hits, they are all the common sense things that only reduce your body to a minor thermal temperature, not the smoltering lava-like interior that is felt after coaching a gaggle of seven year olds through soccer. Thought this list of things Texans do to keep cool was cute. Nothing like a sense of humour in the heat.

Anyway, too hot to write and I think they are soon turning off the computers in the building....


Blogger DaniGirl said...

Glad the blackout on Monday missed you. We were without power for almost seven hours. Sigh.

Not a bad week to be on vacation, though!

7:34 AM  

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