Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Rules, rules everywhere

For a mom who allows (or encourages) her kids to play in the puddles at the park it may be surprising for you to know that I DO, in fact, have rules in my house. Generally, it is things like: no stepping on your baby brother but as a house rule my kids are expected to show respect for each other and their belongings. It is in the translation of this to 'kid speak' that finds the slippery slope of confusion.

Is it in fact, disrespectful, to take apart someone else's electronics so that it cannot be put together again? (For those of you waiting on the edge of your seat for direction, yes, that would be considered disrespectful). Is it ok for you to raid the fridge and leave the kitchen looking like a class 5 tornado ran through ... well sometimes, if your parents are 'shooing' you back outside again. But here's the clincher:

Is it a silly rule that water from the pool stays in the pool and sand from the sandbox stays in the sand?

My partner in crime, while his intentions are the best, believes that this rule is silly. After all, isn't mud half the fun existing in this small universe? The other half being the bugs and stones contained within the mud?

My issue is that the mud stains the clothes and end up caked in all the sand toys or on the bottom of the pool. It ends up all over the grass, killing the weeds that give my lawn that lovely green colour. While I can make exceptions at the park when there are puddles, in my own backyard with a hose means that I can count on muddy clothes tracked through the house daily for the whole summer. Not just daily: each time a child wants to get dry they change their clothes, change the activity for half an hour, then head back out into the mud.

Work with me here people!!! Is it such a strange rule to NOT allow the hose to be dragged directly into the sand box???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anal retentive parents everywhere rise up against this chaos!!! Sand should never be in the pool nor water in the sand box. What would the neighbours think??? ;) k

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What!!!!!! you have a sandbox AND a POOL and you are complaining??????

8:34 PM  

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