Friday, July 15, 2005

Starting today, how fast you age is entirely up to you

So, I think about growing older. I have plans to travel when I no longer have to work every day. I think about spending time with grandchildren and getting to know my spouse again. Imagine my surprise when I found a link to a site that claims you can trick the universe and age more slowly than you'd think. Hey, I'm in to that.

Imagine my surprise when it seems that I am (marginally) younger than my calendar age. And that diet and exercise CAN influence how quickly you age - with dramatic results. Take the test for yourself. For the record, I am 1.6 years younger than my actual age based on things like low blood pressure, good genetics and the red meat ick factor.

Take the test - let me know how you rate. Watch out though: stress and life factors have a huge impact, maybe more so than diet and exercise at the high levels of stress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do I have the feeling that I am at least 150 years old??

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, watch out for those life "accidents" beyond your control.

7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FDL Somedays I think I am 60 (I am NOT 60). Survey says I should add .5 years to my life. The first thing I lose is my stressors - bye, bye kids! LOL.

12:20 PM  

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