Monday, October 03, 2005

Stumble for the Cure

Well, we did it. The CIBC Run for the Cure for Breast Cancer has been participated in for another year. And what a year it was. Let me set the stage:

This year we brought the children. It is an emotional event for my husband and I and we have chosen in the past to complete it together because we didn't want to freak out the kids. People wear signs showing 'who' they are running for. Young kids with signs that they are running for their moms. Older (not ancient) ladies with signs that they are running for their daughters. And I bawl. Openly. With gooey kleenexes all over the place. In fact, for most of the race, I cannot carry on a conversation. I am a suck.

This year, I made it challenging. Not only did we decide that getting three children out the door and downtown for 8:15 would be possible, I got drunk the night before. Stop the truck I hear you say. I am not a drinker at all. In fact, I think it was a couple of years prior to my eldest that I had more than a couple of glasses of wine in the evening. Saturday night though, we were at a friends having a wonderful time and vodka snuck up behind me and got the best of me.

So, now I am gathering three children, sobbing uncontrollably and looking for the portapotties along the way. DOH!!!

The kids had a wonderful time. We stopped - honestly - to pick up every piece of garbage that had fallen along the way. My littlest not understanding the environmental rules, picked up every leaf and stick that he could find as well. By 1/4 of the way in, the stroller was filled with old juice boxes, cereal bar wrappers and every twig dropped along the downtown corridor by the old majestic trees.

The funniest part is that we started about 20 minutes before the crowd so that our double stoller would not get in the way. In the end the unmarked police car ushered us along the path as he removed the pilons and re-opened the road. We were officially the last to arrive. In fact, they had already dismantled the finish line before we got there. Fun was had by all though!

I think I will be a little smarter at this next year though...


Blogger DaniGirl said...

What a gorgeous morning for a run, too. Bravo for you guys for doing it as a family.

5:30 AM  

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