Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Brotherly Love

I pretty much grew up as an only child. My parents split when I was young and I did not have a sibling until I was 12 and my younger sister was born. My husband often complains that this means that I simply cannot understand the interaction of siblings. He is absolutely right.

I have criticised mny eldest for making choices that are not fair to my second born and last night, I had the jaw clenching wonderment of seeing the behaviour passed down.

As we got into the van to head home after swimming lessons, I gave my middlest the option of playing with the toy that he had left sitting in his seat. There had been tensions on the drive over because the 2 year old wanted a crack at it but, Aiden was not yet ready to share. After swimming, he had found an object (don't ask) that held his attention and he did not want the toy. Until I handed it over to the littlest.

Oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth. I CHANGED MY MIND!!!! Aiden carried on for the full ten minutes home until he realized that we had all left the vehicle and left him behind. Apparently, it is acceptable sibling behaviour to not only want happiness for yourself but, that dish is best served when it means taking it out of your brother's hands.

Should have had girls....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when you want to experience the wrath of a four year old little girl and I'll be glad to send one your way - claws sharpened and teeth bared no less!

10:17 AM  

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