Friday, September 16, 2005

The Terry Fox Run

Now, Liam has been known to be a little shallow, not offering the greatest insight and capable of relating any situation directly to his needs. A perfect 7 year old boy. We have taken to discussing his day at school when he climbs into bed at night. In a busy household it is the only time of day where you can be guaranteed parental concentration.

We have discussed the fact that he has switched teachers and moved to a portable; why convincing someone to stick a pencil in a fan is NOT a good idea; and recently when it is ok to agree to do something that you have been 'triple dog dared' to do. Last night was no exception.

The school is supporting the annual Terry Fox Run. Liam has some pretty serious questions about what happened to Terry's leg. He understands that Terry had serious cancer and, Liam tells me, he did not recognize the symptoms in time for doctors to save his leg. He has not drawn any connections to the cancer survivors in his own life but is anxious to support a worthy cause. Today he is using part of his allowance to pay to wear a hat in the school.

Did you ever have cancer?, he asks me. No, I assure him, non-one on mommy's side of the family has ever had cancer. Oh, he thinks for a minute. How about lice? Did you ever have lice? Sigh. To a seven year old, all afflictions fall into the same basket.

No, for the record, I have never had lice. Nor have I ever had the chicken pox.


Blogger Just Jan said...

your sons sounds like he has a good heart.

I bet you value those bedtime talks...I know I miss them since mine are grown and out of the house.

I get to talk to my grand daughter now and then about her days in tonight when she told me she was the line leader for 2 days in a row...amazing how something so meaningless to us adults means the workd to a 5 yr old.

Just wanted to thank you for the visits to my blog...hope you stop by often.

8:08 PM  

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