Friday, August 12, 2005

Insulin and Fatigue

I am very conscious of what I eat. I eat pretty much only whole grains; high amounts of fibrous fruits and vegies and love things like soymilk and tofu. However, since having children I find the almost constant sense of fatigue is being held at bay with crap: chocolate and skittles and cookies and chips. Just plain crap.

As a result, it has been impossible to lose the 'baby' weight that I put on and I carry around an extra 25 pounds now. Frustratingly so. Also, I had attributed this to the fatigue again, but I have noticed that I am much more prone to common illnesses, colds especially.

In speaking with a colleague who is very knowledgable in health issues, he said that there has been links to increased insulin and a lowered auto-immune system. It seems that research is showing that consuming too much sugar, increases your insulin levels and that same insulin attacks the immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. I have found one site that seems to provide information on this but I am leary when it is a completely holistic approach to medicine.

But, knowing this, I am hoping this will provide the incentive that I need to be able to stay off the junk and get back my previously svelte body; not for the esthetics, but to stop this flipping cycle of colds, coughs, infections and flu symptoms. I make a lousy sick person anyway.


Blogger Holly said...

Great information - thanks for sharing! I am also fatigued all the time, and get colds more than I ever did. Sometimes when the kids don't even have one. And yes, I do eat crap. Chips and Cookies, especially. Oh, and Diet Pepsi, which I now hear is far worse than regular soda.

Anyway, thanks again!

10:07 AM  

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