Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Taking Care of Your Body

So, we all know that for a car to run well it needs regular oil changes, good gas, tune ups, etc. To get to a goal financially, you need to set milestones and invest energy / mental capacity towards obtaining that goal.

I would be surprised if people (myself included) did not believe that to have a healthy body with longevity that will perform under pressure, it also requires regular tune ups and good fuel. But I bet that people today spend more time keeping their cars and finances healthy than they do in maintaining their health. I am sure there are exceptions to this rule but, mostly, we just expect that our bodies will continue to be dependable without the necessary maintenance.

Well, not any longer ladies and gentleman! Starting today, I promise to spend time on massages, manicures and pedicures. Spend time exercising and enjoying a wide variety of fuels. Getting more sleep and taking vitamins. I am turning over a new leaf. Now that my kids are a little older they can learn to be more independent.

If you need me you can find me at the spa...with my cell hone turned off!


Blogger DaniGirl said...

Bravo! You deserve it!

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Aren't we supposed to discuss these things first?

5:29 AM  

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