Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sexy, sexy, sexy


I had an experience a couple of nights ago. It was an epipheny of sorts. You see, like all 'girls' I have gone through stages of finding different kinds of men sexy. I did the high school cheerleader thing where I dated only those 'big and dumb'. For a while there, I think my choice in men was limited to jerks. Then I decided that intellectual was what suited me.

Now, I have thrown away all - er, most - of the physical characterisitics. I don't care about blonde vs. brunette, or hair at all :-). Just stick a baby bottle in your back pocket and you will have to fight me off. You all know the photo that I am talking about.

There is something about a man with the ability to show a tender side that is SO sexy. It must be part of the genetic code for procreation. The dominant alpha male not only hunts for food (ok, works in a a bank), protects the family (knows how to lock a door at night) but he also must show that Brad Pitt taking a kid for a ride on a motor bike side. Sheesh, there are a lot of expectations on being a man.

While women look for football players in our teens, once we move out of that stage a man's ability to show compassion becomes paramount. Though, I suppose the ability to throw the skin a bit is not a bad thing either. Wonder if that can be done with a snuggly and a baby bottle tucked in your back pocket?

Jen, I know you agree with me on this one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should I tell you what a senior thinks is sexy, sexy, sexy. Just kidding kids, we really don't do it! Never did in fact!

5:17 AM  

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