Thursday, June 09, 2005

The times they are a Changing

I never want to sound like an old ditty. I never want to try to convince my kids that I walked barefoot to school, uphill both ways. I never want to compare lives generation over generation but... (there is always a but)

Have you noticed that kids are older these days? Not literally, emotionally. I can remember (I think) being six and playing with my friends. Looking back, I would have had a lot of issues to deal with as a kid but I never remember worrying for the future. I don't recall stresses or anxiety beyond wondering where the next chocolate bar would come from.

The kids in my extended family are dealing with issues that kids should not have to face. But, they have strong and protective adults in their lives and, for the most part, are kept oblivious. But they are not. My 4 year old worries about natural disasters (like tornados, which I might add he has never seen), was panicky at taking a plane to Europe with me and frequently talks about when people are going to die. The poor little thing had a meltdown in the Montreal airport with the diarhea and jitters that go with extreme stress.

I thought he was weird.

Then I spoke with my sisters-in-law and both of them have one child who is a little more stressed by the challenges that life can bring. Worries about car accidents and falling and scary, loud noises are apparently common for the children of this generation. Apparently, the more we try to protect our children the more neurotic we make them.

I met someone through my blog. A kid who also has her own blog. She has insight beyond her years and is addressing issues and concerns that should be reserved for those 18 and above. There should be a rating system on life that allows children to only experience the good things until they are strong enough to take on the rest. Read her blog at:

I have a thought for the children that take on the fears of the world - it is still a wonderful place to be and the butterflies and waterfalls outweigh the car accidents. Live life to the fullest, conscious of, but not focussed on, the fact that this could be your last.


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