Thursday, June 02, 2005


So, I've pushed and cajoled the rest of you into spilling your innermost thoughts out to the Internet. I've read them daily, usually wanting more...sometimes wondering what I was thinking... Then, I pondered. For those of you who know me, you will realize I ponder a lot. At my own speed, usually inversly related to the speed at which my betrothed would like me to come to terms with something ... then, I decree. Today, I decree that I will start a blog.

No more pondering: but what if I don't have the time for a daily post, what will I say, who will bother to read and did I mention: WHAT WILL I SAY???

Well, you'll see ditties and anecdotes on how one can manage (hmmm....) to raise three young children (all boys), hold down a full time job and manage to find a little time to yourself (peeing alone counts here). So, that's the intro. Now, I must ponder....


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